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Glitter Round Plastic Charger Plates

With a matte finish and glittering touch here we bring the perfect combination of style and elegance to decorate your dinner table in a majestic style. These are glitter round charger plastic plates which are available in matte colours with an amazing shine that looks vibrant.

These plates will help you give your dinner table a lively look. These glitter round plastic charger plates can also be easily disposed of when the user is done. Hence, no rewashing headache. Also, when you dispose of them, these do not cause harm to the environment as our eco-friendly and bio-degradable.

Hence, all you need to worry about the food you will have serve and prepare, the worry of how to serve in a beautiful and adorable way will be taken care by these glitter round charger plates. And, why only for parties, these plates are good enough to be used in hotels, restaurants etc.

We have red and silver colour readily available in these plates but we also provide our guests with the customized colour options, hence you get to pick the perfect colour as per the theme you like.